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Development Training
MoE-KSA Leadership Capacity Building Visits

This unique programme designed with collaboration with Tatweer for Educational Services and King Abdullah Institute  for Research at King Saudi University on behalf of the MoE -KSA to organise educational visits to 5 countries ( USA-UK- South Korea- Malaysia and Finland) as a bench marking to enhance teaching performance and teaching strategies.

The most important areas to be covered during the visit and to know and obtain deep knowledge about the following:

Educational Systems

  1. Educational directorates/ municipalities/ local education authorities management systems
  2. Organizational chart
  3. School’s system from kindergarten to high school
  4. The management and paper work loads in schools and local education authorities
  5. Administrative hierarchy in schools
  6. Different educational blocks co-ordination
  7. Methodology of the school map system
  8. Management of non-educational services to support schools and educational directorates
  9. the role of the private sector in providing non-educational services such as operation and maintenance in schools and logistics needs


  1. School transportation
  2. Partnership of the community institutions in the school
  3. School feeding
  4. Maintenance operations
  5. Cleaning operations
  6. The structure of the school and the power of the school leader
  7. Use of technology in school

Administrative and Educational Supervision

  1. Educational supervision system
  2. The philosophy of educational supervision
  3. Mechanism of the work of educational supervision
  4. The relationship of educational supervision and the school


Please see our USA partner website page :


We are happy to work with intrested partners to have similar experience worldwide.

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