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Development Higher Education Leadership Training
Best Practices in Research & Innovation in Finnish Higher Education 2-6/10/2023



Centre for Continuing Education HY+

Target Group

Academics from different specialities: applied sciences, medical, engineering, higher education leadership, innovation research centers, quality and accreditation deanships and vocational training canters

Programme Objectives

  • To get an overview of the Finnish education system, its educational philosophy and methodological practices in all school grades and higher education.
  • To explore the best Practices in Teaching and Research, innovation and quality in Finnish higher education.
  • To explore the co-operation in academic research and development

Day 1 


  • Meeting at the Hotel Lobby, walking to University of Helsinki premises
  • Welcoming words, Introduction of the University of Helsinki and Centre for Continuing Education HY+ University of Helsinki Centre for Continuing Education HY+
  • Presentation: Finnish Education system from Early Childhood Education to Higher Education Presented by a university lecturer from University of Helsinki


  • Presentation: Centre for University Teaching and Learning (HYPE)

The Centre for University Teaching and Learning (HYPE) investigates learning and teaching across all faculties and disciplines at the University of Helsinki. Based on the high-quality research, the Centre supports degree programmes and faculties in the development of learning and teaching and enhances pedagogical expertise among university staff members. The Centre collaborates extensively with national and international experts in research and development of teaching and learning in higher education.

  • Walking tour: University of Helsinki City Centre Campus and main library Kaisa. The multidisciplinary City Centre Campus in the very heart of Helsinki is the largest campus of the University of Helsinki with its approx. 17 000 students . The City Centre Campus houses the Faculty of Educational Sciences, the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Theology, the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Social

Day 2


  • Visit to Vantaa Vocational College

Varia organizes multidisciplinary upper secondary education for both youth and adults: professional vocational qualifications degrees and preparatory education for upper secondary vocational education. On an annual level they have about 6000 students. The students have a chance to graduate with one of the 17 different vocational upper
secondary qualifications.

  • Presentation on Vocational Education in Finland in general.
  • Presentation of the school, classroom visits, discussions with teachers/students.


  • Visit to Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) .

FINEEC is responsible for the evaluation of education provided by universities and universities of applied sciences (UAS) in Finland. The three key evaluation types are the quality audits of higher education institutions (HEIs), thematic evaluations and engineering degree programme reviews.

Day 3


  • Visit to Metropolia University of Applied Sciences

Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland’s largest university of applied sciences, educates future professionals in the fields of Business, Culture, Health Care and Social Services, and Technology. Metropolia is a community of 16,200 students and more than 1,000 experts.

  • Presentation tour of the university and the campus and the brand new simulation hospital, if possible.


  • Transportation to the city center.
  • Reflection and discussion session.
  • Presentation: Brand Management at the University of Helsinki, presented by University of Helsinki Marketing expert.

Day 4


  • Visit to Kumpula Campus of University of Helsinki and LUMA Centre

The Kumpula Campus, dedicated to research and teaching in the exact natural sciences, is perched on a verdant hill only four kilometres from the centre of Helsinki. The broad nature of the disciplines and vibrant international connections offer both a motivating atmosphere as well as a firm basis for interdisciplinary cooperation. The compact campus houses an active and creative scientific community of researchers and students in Faculty of Science.

  • LUMA Centre Science labs operate alongside universities, support meaningful formal, non-formal and informal science education with various operating models.


  • Visit to Aalto University and Start-up Sauna

The cornerstones of Aalto University research are four fundamental competence areas: ICT and digitalisation, materials and sustainable use of natural resources, global business dynamics, and arts and design. Aalto University also focuses on three integrative multidisciplinary themes: advanced energy solutions, health and wellbeing, and human-centered living environments. It is the home of innovation among Finnish universities.

  • Start-up Sauna is Finland’s central hub for student-run entrepreneurial movement. Start-up Sauna is the home of Aaltoes – Aalto Entrepreneurship Society – the most prominent and active student-run entrepreneurship society in Europe.

Day 5


Closing ceremony Reflection and discussion

Presentation of the certificates and end of the academic programme

University of Helsinki Centre for Continuing Education HY+

Self-guided visit to Oodi Library and other destinations in Central Helsinki. No escort from HY+.

Dr Ismail Farhat

Programme Co-Ordinator

Director – Majestix Training UK Ltd

Dr Ismail  Farhat  has 30 years of experience in organising and delivering educational workshops in Europe and North  America

He is passionate about improving educational outcomes in the MENA region and has trained hundreds of professionals from K-12 and higher education industry.


3,000 USD (without accommodation)

Fee includes

  1. Lectures and workshops
  2. Local transportation for visits
  3. Lunches
  4. Organizing the program and providing assistance and support before and during the program
  5. Induction meeting the day before the start of the program
  6. Invitation letters to obtain a Schengen visa
  7. Translation from Finnish/English to Arabic
  8. Attendance certificates from Helsinki University
  9. Tour of the city
  10. Taxi fees from Helsinki Airport to the approved hotel


Fee does NOT Include international travel tickets

Accommodation :(850 USD/person/5nights incl breakfast and VAT)

The approved and contracted hotel will be : GLO Hotel – Kluuvi


Kluuvikatu 4
00100 Helsinki


For Payment in Saudi Riyal:

Please contact our representative in Riyadh on the below address:

مركز سبل للتدريب   Subul for Training and Consulting

  • المملكة العربية السعودية – الرياض
  • الحمرا – طريق الدمام
  • 00966112456127
  • 00966112456127
  • 00966506594873
  • Al Rajhi Bank
  • SA40 8000 0355 6080 1022 4666


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  • Start Date: 02/10/2023
  • End Date: 06/10/2023
  • Time Start: 9:00 am
  • Time End: 4:00 pm
  • Venue: Helsinki

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